Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday, August 31, 2018

Chase was very excited about Field Day on Friday and about wearing his tie-dyed ICS Field Day shirt. Nanaw took a picture of it when she picked Chase up. When they got back to Nanaw's house, Mama called to say she forgot to put sun screen on Chase. Nanaw said she would look for hers but she couldn't find it. So they went back to Chase's house, and Mama sprayed Chase with sunscreen. Nanaw wasn't paying attention to the time, and they got to school really early. Chase was the first one in the class -- that probably won't ever happen again. Mrs. Neff had all the overhead lights on for once so Nanaw liked that. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he had a great time at Field Day. He left his water bottle in the classroom so Mrs. Eplin loaned him one. On the way home from school, Chase and Nanaw stopped at Dollar Tree to get more dry erase markers. Chase also got a yo-yo, a glow in the dark sword and a glow in the dark Jason mask. They went downstairs to play school, then Mama picked Chase up at 4:30 because they were going to Wingfest with Jackson and his Mama and Daddy. Chase was really looking forward to it and said he remembered it from last year.

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