Monday, August 6, 2018

Monday, August 6, 2018

Chase had a busy day on Monday with Magic House Camp in the afternoon and soccer practice in the evening. Chase and Nanaw played in his room in the morning, then they had school until it was time to go to Magic House Camp. On the ride there, Chase listened to his Thomas book reader and followed along with the books. He read four of the books on the way to the Magic House and really seemed to have fun doing it. (On the way home, he read the other four books.) At camp registration, Chase received a ball cap with his name on it. When Nanaw picked him up, he was chatting with one of the counselors -- it was very cute to see. He was so excited about camp and said he wants to come back every day till Friday. He said he had a great time, and he told Nanaw all about it: They made earth cookies with blue and green icing; they went downstairs to the basement. He said it was about 100 years old, and there were a lot of Magic House things stored there. They colored their white hats, made binoculars and brought home a real pair of binoculars. He also brought home a "passport." Chase did very well at soccer practice, except for falling down a lot. They learned new skills at first, and then played a practice game. It was fun to see the boys playing; they all did a great job.

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