Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sunday, August 5, 2018

When Nanaw went to visit Chase on Sunday evening, he was so excited to tell her that he and Mama found Waldo on the Jurassic / dinosaur page in the Where's Waldo book. He took Nanaw into the living room, sat down on the couch with her, got the Waldo book and the "finding glass" (magnifying glass) and showed her where Waldo was. Waldo was very tiny and barely visible so it ws sort of tricky. Then Chase showed Nanaw the two other Waldos he and Mama found. Nanaw promised Chase that they would go to the Florissant library again and see if they could find Waldo on the Jurassic /dinosaur screen. Chase was also excited to show Nanaw his soccer uniform -- number 8 -- Mama's favorite number. After a delicious steak and corn on the cob dinner, everybody went outside. For awhile, Chase and Nanaw played with his demolition derby cars; he managed to destroy both of them by crashing them down the steps. Next, Daddy and Chase played baseball for awhile. Finally, Chase and Nanaw played school. He read the last Biscuit story in the book; Nanaw told him that they would start the book all over again on Monday. He's getting to be a good little reader; he reads with expression and knows most of the words in the stories he reads. The he did an activity in the reading comprehension book. He did very well with it, once again, when he concentrates and focuses, he's very good and very fast.

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