Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

When Chase and Nanaw were walking into school on Tuesday morning, they saw the school's priest, Father Carl, carrying a cage with a big white bunny rabbit in it. He laughed and said the school has a new student. On Nanaw's way out, she saw the bunny in the cage sitting on the sidewalk outside the door to the school so she took a picture of it. After school, Chase told Nanaw he didn't have to go to the observation deck or have a timeout, making Nanaw and Mama very happy. Chase and Nanaw ran errands, including a visit to the cemetery where they saw a Mama deer and her two babies. Nanaw took pictures of them. Next they went to the Telegraph Road library where Chase didn't want to do the scavenger hunt but he did want Mike & Ike candy out of the "bending machine." When they got home, they went downstairs and played school in the pretend school room. Chase took all his people downstairs with him, and everybody did a lot of spelling words. Chase read a story out of the Biscuit book and also did a page in the Breakfast Brain Bites workbook. Nanaw went for a walk in the evening and saw the white kitty far from home so she took a picture to send to Chase. Mama called Nanaw to see if she knew where Chase's Thomas backpack and his people were. Unfortunately, Nanaw forgot to bring the bag in the house when she took Chase home. So the people had a sleepover with Nanaw.

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