When Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning, he wanted to go downstairs to play with Mama's toys she saved from her childhood: the McDonalds, the doll house, the school house and the village. Chase and Nanaw set all the buildings up in the middle of the floor in the downstairs family room and then played with them. Chase delivered the mail to the various buildings and discovered that the mail for the police station and the barber shop was missing. Eventually Nanaw found them under the flaps of the cardboard box the buildings are stored in. After playing with the buildings for awhile (there was also a pretend fire they had to put out), Chase and Nanaw picked up and packed up the buildings. Chase and Nanaw did school, and Chase did very well -- at least when he focused and paid attention. Later, Mama told Nanaw that they went to Dollar General so she could buy school supplies to take to work to give to the less fortunate boys and girls. Mama also ordered new, larger uniforms for Chase online from Old Navy, so he'll be set for school. When Nanaw went out to the little house, she took a picture of the cistern without the concrete cistern and sent it to Mama and Uncle Mike.
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