Mama and Chase's favorite holiday is Halloween so they were really happy on Wednesday. Mama had the day off from work so she took Chase to school. In the afternoon, Mama and Nanaw went to Chase's school to help with the class's Halloween party. The boys and girls in first grade don't wear their costumes to school but they do have a party. The room mothers planned three games, treats, and crafts. Mama worked on a game where the boys and girls had to throw big dice in pumpkin buckets attached to a board. There was also pin the nose on the witch and beanbag ring toss (using Mama and Chase's beanbags). The treats were surgical gloves decorated like hands and filled with popcorn -- they were a great hit. Nanaw helped Evie's Mama with the craft table where the boys and girls made skeletons with Q-tips and glue, masks and leaves. Mama made treat bags for the class with toys from Dollar Tree and candy. It was great fun. After school, Nanaw helped Chase with his homework, while Mama made chili. Then Chase and Nanaw decorated the Halloween cookies Mama had made. Chase did a really good job and had fun doing it. Mama decorated the garage with Halloween decorations -- lights, lots of Jack Skellington things -- it was wonderful. When it was time for trick or treating, Chase went with Mama and Daddy first, while Nanaw stayed at Chase's house to give out candy. Then Nanaw went with Chase and Mama while Daddy stayed home to give out candy. It started to rain so they cut trick or treating a little short. But they got to go to all the houses that Mama wanted to, all the regular ones she visits. It was a a super day.
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