Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Unfortunately, silly Nanaw forgot the most important activity for Tuesday: Chase was scheduled to go to the Columbia Library to read to Fred the dog -- and she forgot. She was very sad about this and so was Mama. So Nanaw set up reminders on her iPhone in an app named Cozi so that she never forgets Fred appointments again. In November, Mama, Chase and Nanaw will go to the library on Tuesday, November 20 (Uncle Mike's birthday) to read to Fred. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her all about taking his lunch, that his Mama had packed a Lunchable and applesauce for him but he didn't eat the applesauce. He said that he played soccer at all three recesses. Mama says that Connor's dad is organizing an indoor soccer team at the PowerHaus and that Chase wants to play. Once again, Chase had two TV's going in his room after school, with the weather channel on one TV and Chase TV on the other one. A little hectic but it seems to make Chase happy. He ate lots of pepperoni and mozzarella cheese, a favorite snack of his. Right before Chase went home, he was playing with Nanaw's wind-up pumpkin, and Nanaw took pictures of him with the pumpkin.

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