Mama picked Sam up from Nanaw's house on Saturday morning while Nanaw was at church. Nanaw left a note telling Mama how wonderful Sam was and what a good time they had together. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase picked Nanaw up to all go to Trunk and Treat at the ICS church. Chase wore his Jack Skellington costume and looked perfect. They met Brady's family there -- Brady was a yellow bumblebee and Emma was Minnie Mouse. The boys had an excellent time together, collecting candy. They also saw Jackson P, Andrew, Henry, Camden and Drew. Drew won the prize for best costume; he was the invisible man, and his costume was super great. It's the third photo below. There were lots of super costumes, including two dinosaurs, many zombies, super heroes and Avengers. Charlie was a marshmallow man. Many of the cars had lots of spooky Halloween decorations. Reagan's grandparents had a nifty, comfy-looking-inside Mercedes van. They gave out Kit Kat bars, Reese's peanut butter cups and Rice Krispies Treats. When Mama took Nanaw home, she gave Chase his backpack because Daddy is going to take Chase to school on Monday and pick him up, too. So Nanaw will go visit him around dinner time. Daddy is off on Tuesday also and is going to take Chase to school again.
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