Saturday, October 13, 2018

Saturday, October 13, 2018

When Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning, Uncle Mike was still there -- he spent the night. There was extra bacon left over so Nanaw ate some -- it's one of her favorite things. Chase read a Biscuit story to Nanaw and did a couple of the workbook pages. Nanaw and Mama got Chase dressed, then Mama and Aunt Becca left for a baby shower in St. Charles. Daddy was working on the garbage disposal, and Chase wanted to play with the WII. Nanaw stayed home from the little house so she could get the basement ready to have a new furnace and air conditioner installed. In the afternoon, Chase went to Shawn's birthday party at Dupo Park. At the party, Chase won Skittles for guessing how many were in the jar -- his answer was the closest. In the evening, Chase, Mama and Daddy went to the Eckert's Halloween Pumpkin Farm with Uncle Chris, Elias, Cesi, and all the rest of the family. Mama sent Nanaw two pictures of a camel; there was also a kangaroo in the second picture.

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