Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday was Nanaw's day to volunteer in Chase's class. The first group Nanaw worked with was quite rowdy. So she had high hopes for Chase's group but they were even rowdier. Nanaw is not good at disciplining them and keeping them on task. Chase did his share of running around and rowdiness. Nanaw is a bit happy to see him acting like the other boys and girls; sometimes he seems a bit shy and held back. He got another birthday party invitation; this one was from Ethan for a party at SkyZone. Mama's new jacket from Gillan's was also in Chase's backpack. On the way home from school, Chase and Nanaw stopped at Chase 's house to let Sam out because Mama had to run errands after work and wanted to make sure Sam got outside. Nanaw took pictures of Chase, Sam and Tyler and sent one to Mama. After school, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs while Nanaw walked on the treadmill and Chase played in the playpen. When Nanaw took Chase home, she had Mama tell her all the activities of the next three weekends because Nanaw couldn’t keep them straight. Mama, Daddy and Chase talked about Chase's birthday party. Daddy thought it was going to be at SkyZone but Mama said Chase had changed his mind and wanted to have his party at the Columbia bowling alley. In the evening, Mama had Chase try on his Christmas Charlie Brown little old man jammies.

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