Sunday, December 15, 2019

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Chase's first adventure on Saturday was his soccer game. He played well but unfortunately, his team lost. But it's all about having fun. Chase's second Saturday adventure was going to Uncle Mike's annual Christmas party. Nanaw brought along the Road Bingo game she bought for Chase at Dollar Tree. Mama helped them find things. Chase won, of course; but Nanaw thinks it was actually legal. At Uncle Mike's, Chase and Nanaw played with the toys she brought along for him. She brought his classic Legos, the Roblox figures and ten Hot Wheels cars. They played for a long while on the living room floor, in front of the fireplace and by the Christmas tree. Chase ate lots of green and red chips. Nanaw was very excited that she got to see Uncle Mike's cat Tucker a couple of times and got to take pictures of him. And he didn't hiss at Nanaw, which is what he usually used to do. After eating, they went downstairs to see how Uncle Mike knocked down the wall that had been in cousin Joe's room. Some of the guests were playing pool, and Chase was fascinated with watching them. When Chase finally came upstairs, he played games on Daddy's phone for awhile. Then he got out the Legos, Roblox figures and Hot Wheels, and he and Nanaw played with them again until it was time to leave. On their way out to the car, Mama, Daddy. Chase and Nanaw walked around Uncle Mike's front yard to see his super-duper Christmas decorations. Chase made everyone go in the proper entrance: Candy Cane Lane. He was very cute about it.

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