Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Mama went into the office on Tuesday, Christmas Eve, so she dropped Chase off at Nanaw's house. Chase and Nanaw did some last minute Christmas shopping. First, they went to Walmart where Chase saw an air hockey game and a foos ball game -- he really wanted both of them a lot. Nanaw said they would come to Walmart after Christmas and buy them if they still had them. Then Nanaw decided they should buy them both right away. So they did. Next, they went to Schnuck's for strawberries for the fruit salad at Christmas dinner. Next, they went to Dollar Tree where they bought a present and card for Mama: a puppy calendar and a card from Sam and Sylvester. When they went home, Nanaw put together the air hockey game and the foosball game. Chase and Nanaw played the games and had lots of fun. After playing the games, Nanaw took Chase read the Elves book Mama sent, along with Cutie Bernie. Chase now says he wants an Elf on the Shelf. Nanaw took Chase home at about 3:30 so he could be at the Christmas party for Daddy's family. Nanaw went to her nephew Dan's house for Christmas Eve and had a wonderful time. Sherry gave her a container of delicious popcorn, and Uncle Doug gave her one of his famous calendars with lots of family pictures. Great-nephew Greg showed Nanaw his beautiful blue Mustang, and Nanaw was very impressed.

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