Sunday, December 8, 2019

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Chase and Daddy went to church on Sunday morning. Later in the day, Mama sent Nanaw a text saying Chase and Daddy were planning to come fishing in Nanaw's lake. Then a few minutes later, she texted again saying Chase changed his mind -- so they didn't come fishing. Nanaw came to visit in the evening and for steak dinner. Before dinner, Chase and Nanaw played on Chase's hockey table on the living room floor. At dinner, Nanaw had a bone in her steak, and Daddy had a bone in his steak so Sam and Sylvester each had a bone. Sam stayed outside with his bone for a long time but Sylvester was only outside a few minutes. After dinner and after Mama cleaned up the dishes, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went into Chase's room to decorate Chase's Christmas tree. Chase has lots of cute ornaments, and Nanaw enjoyed watching Mama and Chase put the ornaments on the tree. Nanaw only put two ornaments on the tree; mostly she just watched. When the tree was done, Mama had turned off the overhead light. Chase and Nanaw enjoyed looking at his tree. After that, Chase and Nanaw played with the hockey table again, this time on the kitchen table. Nanaw had lots of fun playing with her Chase.

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