Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Nanaw went to visit Chase on Sunday evening. He and Daddy had been playing hockey downstairs earlier in the day so the light was still on in the basement. Daddy told Chase he needed to pick up the Star Wars things he'd been playing with, and Chase said he already did. Nanaw was very proud about that. Mama and Chase decorated the Christmas tree. There were two sections on the tree: One was a section with Chase ornaments. The other section was Mama's Jack Skellington section. Nanaw and Chase played in his room for awhile, then they played hockey in the hallway. Next, they went downstairs and played hockey down there. For dinner, Chase had a Ninja TV dinner, and Mama and Daddy had chicken and beef fajitas. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw played Yetti, Set, Go. It's a game where little plastic Yetti figures kick meatballs onto a rock cliff. You try to get the meatballs in indentations on the rock cliff. They had lots of fun.

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