Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thursday, December 26, 2019

On Thursday, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw had a super-duper adventure. In the early afternoon, they went to the Waterloo Cinema to see the new Star Wars movie: The Rise of Skywalker. They got lots of popcorn and soda to have during the movie. They tried to sit on the upper level of the theater but there weren't four seats together. So they sat down in the front, which Nanaw liked. The seats were big and comfortable. Nanaw got to sit next to her buddy Chase but didn't get to talk to him much because he was very engrossed in the movie. When it was over, he started to cry a little, saying, "That was sad." He's just such a dear, precious, sweet little boy. When they got home, Chase invited Nanaw to come in for a while. He showed her his Christmas presents again, more completely than yesterday. Nanaw had brought all his fishing supplies he got on Christmas, and Chase put them in his tackle box -- he was very excited about that. Chase, Daddy and Nanaw went downstairs and played hockey in the blue room for awhile. Daddy said that earlier in the day, he and Chase played hockey in the blue room, using their roller blades. After she left Chase's house, Nanaw went to Walmart and finally got the fruitcake she'd been craving, hence the picture of the fruitcake below.

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