Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday, February 26, 2016

Chase was happy to go to school today, after being out sick on Monday and then having a snow day on Wednesday. When Nanaw picked him up from school, he found a huge chunk of snow and kept throwing it at Nanaw like a snowball. Finally, Chase and Nanaw stomped on it till it was gone -- great fun. The adventure for the day was a trip to the Train House. At the registration desk, Chase and Nanaw met Lynn's (the person who runs the registration desk) grandson Charlie. (Nanaw didn't tell Lynn or Charlie's mother that she has a cat named Charlie.) Charlie is precious, very loving -- he gave Chase a hug. Chase stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do, then he hugged Charlie back -- very cute. Chase had a wonderful time in the Creation Station -- after weeks of being sick and feeling yucky, he was back to his old charming, delightful, fun self. He played with the trains on the train tables for a long while, along with Nanaw. He spent a lot of time with the wooden blocks; Miss Linda and another boy were building with the blocks also. When Nanaw and Chase left the Creation Station, Chase spotted some Cars Pez dispensers in one of the display cases, and he was very excited about them. When Nanaw took Chase home in the evening, Mama asked her if she could baby-sit on Saturday night while Mama and Daddy go to the Brew House at River city Casino with Aunt Kristen and Uncle Chappie. Nanaw, of course, said yes and was very happy about getting to have extra time with Chase.

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