Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday was a good day, with no tantrums -- yay! There was a bit of a fuss when Chase and Nanaw left the library to go to Walmart, but Nanaw told Chase she was going to buy him another color-changing car so that solved that. First thing in the morning, Chase and Nanaw had their own story time. Mama sent Jingle the talking dog and two books for story time. Jingle performed beautifully and didn't miss any of his lines. A couple of times, Chase tried to turn him off but Nanaw said he needed to stay on so he could recite his lines. After their story time, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play. Chase played for awhile in his Thomas house -- he got inside and waved at Nanaw through the window. The big adventure of the day was going to Story Time with Miss Candy at the Columbia Library. Miss Candy led the group in singing songs and then read two polar bear books to them. There were more boys and girls there than usual -- 10 of them. The craft was a heart with mittens glued on -- there was white paint to put on the children's hands and then they made hand prints on the mittens -- very cute. After Story Time, Chase and Nanaw went up to the children's reading room, and Chase played with the toys there. This was when he put up a tiny fuss about leaving but it all worked out. He was very excited to get another Lightning McQueen color-changing car -- this one goes from red to yellow. He played for a long while with it with bowls of water in the sink and then in the high chair. He took it home with him so he could show Mama and Daddy. When Nanaw took Chase home, he and Daddy and Mama showed Nanaw how he can use the shaving kit he got for Christmas from Marshay. The first picture below is one that Mama posted Wednesday night on Facebook of Chase shaving -- very funny.

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