Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday was chase's turn to take treats for his pre-school class. Mama selected little graham crackers with Star Wars characters faces on them. She tested Chase on who the characters were, and he knew all of them. Brady gave Nanaw a big hug when she went to pick up Chase. Chase ran out of the school building with a huge smile on his face and his arms outstretched to give Nanaw a hug, and Brady intercepted Chase to give him a hug. It was a perfect interception and very funny. Nanaw did finally get her hug from Chase. Chase wanted to go to Waterloo Walmart to get Sally Carerra, and Nanaw agreed. She had planned to do it on Thursday but decided that was an arbitrary decision based on her own convenience, and there was no reason they couldn't go on Wednesday and make Chase exceedingly happy. Nanaw was planning on taking Chase to Powder Valley but Chase said he wanted to go to Nanaw's house instead so they did. He played with Sally in the sink for a long while, then played on abcmouse on Nanaw's laptop. He loves it when abcmouse says, "Welcome back, Chase!" He's getting close to having 400 tickets to get the Dalmatian that he's going to name Pongo. Mama picked Chase up at 5:15 so they could go to Highland for a visitation for Aunt Jen's aunt. Jackson was going to be there too so hopefully the boys got to play with each other.

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