Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Chase got a hug from Brady Wednesday morning at school and so did Nanaw when Nanaw dropped Chase off. Both boys looked for the storm trooper on the toy shelf but couldn't find it. Hopefully, Ms. Merz was able to locate the storm trooper -- that seems to be their favorite toy. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to Powder Valley. It was really cold and windy outside so they didn't even think of walking on one of the trails. There were still only a few fish in the big aquarium but Chase found Mr. Turtle buried in the sand so Nanaw was very proud of him. When it was time to go, Chase of course didn't want to leave and ran away from Nanaw. One of the men at the reception desk suggested to Nanaw that she say good-bye and head for the door. That worked perfectly! Chase came running after Nanaw, and they went out to the car without further incident. When they got home, Chase rifled through his Thomas backpack and found the package of popcorn Mama sent. Nanaw promised to make the popcorn for him after his ate his lunch of Mac and Cheese -- he did and she did -- Chase loves his popcorn. When Nanaw took Chase home, he told Daddy he wanted to play with his Legos. So he and Daddy went downstairs and got out Chase's bin of Legos and played with them.

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