Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Chase and Nanaw stayed at home to play on Tuesday morning because chase's adventure for the day took place at 4 o'clock. For the first time ever, Chase went to Lego Time at the Columbia Library with Miss Annette, his former Babygarten teacher. Chase still sort of thought he was going to Lego Land but he had such a good time at Lego Time that he wasn't disappointed that it wasn't Lego Land. There were five other children there, all around Chase's age -- three boys and two girls. First, Miss Annette read a story about Splat the Cat, then everyone went into the storage room and pulled out the bins of Legos. Nanaw was afraid Chase was going to dump out his bin but he followed the other children and didn't dump it. He made two unusual things without names and was very proud of himself. All the children took their designs upstairs and put them on top of the book shelves in the children's area of the library. Chase and Nanaw stayed in the children's area for awhile so Chase could play with the toys there and the other children. Chase didn't want to go home when it was time and started to throw a tantrum. Nanaw told him if he didn't stop crying, he couldn't come back for Lego Time next week and that stopped his crying. Chase got to stay at Nanaw's house Tuesday night until 8 o'clock because Daddy was bowling and Mama was attending the protecting your children class at Daddy's church. Chase threw a tantrum when Mama took him home, and Mama and Nanaw are hoping he gets through this tantrum phase really quickly. Mama made popcorn for Chase when they got home, and Mama sent a picture to Nanaw of the cute bugaboo happily eating his popcorn.

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