Saturday, July 30, 2016

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Nanaw went over to visit Chase early on Saturday morning before she went out to Aspenhof. Jackson and his mom and dad were still there after their slumber party with Chase and his parents. Mama fixed biscuit donuts for breakfast (powdered sugar donated by Nanaw). Nanaw played with Jackson and Chase in the living room for awhile, then everyone went outside to play baseball. They invented a baseball game where they used the skimmer nets to catch the ball. Jackson and his mom and dad were going to a birthday party later in the day, and they left their dog Dolly at Chase's house, then picked her up after the birthday party. Mama told Nanaw that Daddy took Chase to 5 o'clock mass on Saturday evening and that Chase misbehaved. Mama couldn't remember what he'd done wrong but said it was so bad that Daddy told her not to give Chase the surprise present she bought for him at the store. Nanaw later asked Daddy what Chase had done, and it turned out that he took his Angry Birds along with him to church and was "launching" them everywhere, including toward the woman sitting in front of him.

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