Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Chase and Nanaw had a special adventure on Wednesday. They went out to the little house at Aspenhof. First, they went to Washington Walmart, looking for various things, including blank VCR tapes (they didn't have any). Next, they went to Marthasville Lumber to look for kitchen and bathroom cabinets and fixtures for the little house (Nanaw is going to have the bathroom and kitchen cabinets at the little house renovated. Chase was very good at the lumber store. He looked around at everything and stuck close to Nanaw -- it was very cute. After the lumber store, Chase and Nanaw went to the little house. Nanaw turned on the electricity, especially the air conditioners, and Chase played with his special box of toys. He also played with the new Star Wars Ewok Nanaw bought for her at Walmart. Chase loves the little house (on Thursday, he kept saying he wanted to go again). Chase said it was Tee Tee's favorite place in the world -- what a cute little boy he is. After they left the little house, Chase and Nanaw took the long way home so that Nanaw could stop at the Warrenton Walmart and Wentzville Walmart to look for video tapes -- but no one has any. So Nanaw will have to buy them from Amazon. Nanaw forgot to take pictures and send them to Mama so she took a few at the end of the day.

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