Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Mama texted Nanaw on Thursday morning to tell her Chase said his stomach didn't feel well. When they got to Nanaw's house, Mama told Nanaw that Chase threw up right before they left home. Nanaw had Chase rest in his room, and she gave him some Pedialyte to drink. After awhile, Chase got up and came to tell Nanaw that he was feeling better. He spent some time watching hockey videos on the laptop (which he calls his computer). He and Nanaw played in his room for a long time, watching the weather channel, of course. He had a ham and cheese sandwich and applesauce for lunch. Later, he had popcorn. After lunch, he and Nanaw played Words with Friends and had a grand time doing so. It's a really good game for Chase, educationally; it teaches him spelling (making the words) and addition (adding up his score). So they'll be playing it lots. Nanaw had asked Mama to bring played Words with Friends and Scrabble Jr. along with her when she brought Chase to Nanaw's house. Later in the afternoon, Chase told Nanaw he was tired and was going to go lie on his futon. A few minutes later, the little fellow fell fast asleep.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

When Nanaw went to pick up Chase on Wednesday morning, the temperature was -2 degrees. Nanaw had a wonderful day with Chase being off school. They played hockey, colored pictures downstairs in the craft area and played in Chase's room. Chase also watched hockey videos on the laptop and watched the weather channel. He was very excited about the minus degree temperatures. Chase did well eating his breakfast of a banana, a cheese stick and chocolate milk. He was just as good eating his lunch of a fish stick, popcorn chicken, peas, green beans, and chocolate milk. He also ate some applesauce and four of the snacks Mama sent for him. So he certainly ate enough. He's gotten so much better about what he'll eat and eating enough -- Nanaw thinks it's because of eating the school lunches. Chase took a nap in the afternoon, and Nanaw took pictures of him sleeping. Mama called Nanaw in the evening to tell her that Chase is off school again tomorrow. Yay! Nanaw loves when she gets to spend the day with Chase.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

When Nanaw took Chase to school on Tuesday, (in the 13 degree weather, Brrrrr), she and Chase looked in the lost and found for his coat. Nanaw also looked in his locker and then went to the gym to look -- that was the last place Chase had his coat. But no luck and no coat to be found. Nanaw asked Mrs. Neff about it, and she said she was sure it would turn up today. Evidently, the boys and girls took their coats to lunch with them yesterday but couldn't go outside because it was raining. They went to the gym for recess, and she said half the class didn't bring their coats back with them. When Nanaw picked Chase up, he didn't have his coat, his water bottle or his green folder -- oh my! Mama called to tell Chase and Nanaw that Chase's school is cancelled for tomorrow. Nanaw is very happy and excited about that because it means she gets to play with the bugaboo all day. It's supposed to get down to 3 degrees tomorrow morning, and Mama offered to have Daddy drop Chase off but Nanaw said she would brave the cold, that it would be an adventure. Mama Texted in the evening looking for Mr. Puffin. Nanaw found him sacked out in Chase's room and sent a picture to Mama and Chase. Then Sidney came to investigate, and Nanaw sent a picture of that to Mama and Chase.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday, January 28. 2019

On Monday morning, Nanaw tried to get Chase to watch the Hallmark movie about a kids hockey team but he wasn't too interested. But at least he wasn't playing ROBLOX. He played hockey in the hall and with the toys in the bathtub. When nana picked Chase up from school, he told her he had bad news, that he'd lost his coat. He had on a coat Mrs. Neff found for him in the lost and found. Mama was just as shocked about the lost coat as Nanaw was. Mama said they would find a new coat for Chase during their adventures in the afternoon. On the way home from, Chase and Nanaw went to the cemetery and then to the Telegraph Road library. At the library, Nanaw made copies of the People Marie Kondo article. Then Chase and Nanaw did the Chinese New Year scavenger hunt, and Chase got a sticker and Cheese-Its from the "bending" machine. When they got home, Mama was right behind them to pick them up for their afternoon adventures. They took bags of clothes to Goodwill, then found a yellow fleece for Chase to wear to school on Wednesday; the first graders are supposed to wear yellow for Catholic Schools WeekNext, they went to CostCo where Mama got a variety of random items. . Mama looked for a coat for Chase at Costco also but they didn't have anything either. Latly, they went to Walmart. Chase and Nanaw waited in the car while Mama went in to get bananas and a coat for Chase. Nanaw will look in the lost and found for Chase's lost coat tomorrow morning and return the coat he borrowed.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Chase had a busy day on Sunday. He and Daddy went to church in the morning. Then Daddy took him to Great Clips for a haircut. Chase told Nanaw last night that Daddy was going to take him for a haircut so that he could get rid of his bangs, which he definitely does not like. So now the bangs are gone, and Chase is happy. In the afternoon, Chase went out to Wentzville to his cousin Wesley's birthday party. He said he had a good time and that he ate all of his cupcake icing and most of the cupcake itself, a new thing for him. Nanaw came over in the evening. When she got there, Chase was in the spare room playing a hockey game on the x-box, so Nanaw watched him for a while. Mama fixed hamburgers in the insta pot for dinner, and they were very good. Nanaw had been uncertain about how they would turn out but they were fine. Even Chase ate one. Nanaw likes when Chase eats Mama's dinners. After dinner, they had Family Game Night. They played Don't Rock the Boat and Ready, Set, Yeti -- lots of fun. In Chase's room, Daddy put together a second shelf for Chase's toys and games -- so now Chase has two new storage areas.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Chase had a soccer game on Saturday morning, and he did a good job and said he had fun. When they got back to Chase's house, he wanted to show her a hockey game that he loves on the game system in Sam's room. Chase and Nanaw sat on the spare job while Chase played the game and Nanaw watched him play. In the afternoon, Mama texted Nanaw about the 60% off ornaments she bough at Hallmark so Nanaw went. She bought a fancy Charlie Brown ornament, a penguins ornament and an owl ornament. Nanaw got to keep Chase on Saturday evening while Mama and Daddy went to Fast Eddie's for Lindsey's 21st birthday celebration. Chase and Nanaw had dinner in the dining room with candles, a fire and the weather channel on TV. Chase played a little ROBLOX but not too much because Mama and Daddy are limiting his screen time. As one of their activities, Chase and Nanaw opened the kitties' Christmas presents (better late than never). Chase took a long, long bath, one of his favorite things to do at Nanaw's house. After his bath, Chase and Nanaw went back to his house for Chase to go to bed. Nanaw lay down with him for awhile, always a fun thing to do.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

When Nanaw took Chase to school Friday morning, as she said good-bye to him, she told him they would have an adventure after school. His teacher heard Nanaw say that and she said, "An adventure! That sounds like fun." And Chase and Nanaw did have an adventure after school. Unfortunately, the bug was in a grumpy mood and said he didn't want to do any of the things Nanaw had planned. But Nanaw said they were doing everything. First, they went to Dollar Tree and bought several toys for Chase: a football, a squeezable plastic lemon, and a pop gun. Next, they went to the bank, where Chase got his usual green sucker -- everybody there knows Chase and always has his sucker ready for him. On the way to the cemetery, their next stop, Chase fell asleep, which made Nanaw very happy because it meant he would be in a better mood when he woke up. Next, Nanaw got gas, then they went to the Telegraph Road library, where Nanaw had to make copies of the instructions for recording the Sunday church talk and pick up books for Mama. Chase got some of his fruit strips out of the "bending machine." Nanaw got a call from Mama in the evening, looking for a lost Tee Tee. Nanaw found him by the laptop and took him over to Chase.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thursday, January 24, 2019

On Thursday morning as they were getting ready to drive to school, Chase took Tee Tee out in the front yard and made him pretend-skate on the ice on the bird bath. It was very cute, and Chase was excited about Tee Tee skating. Nanaw was happy about the story she got to read with her volunteer groups: It was Puffins, Chase's very favorite animals -- currently. Nanaw had lots of fun with the boys and girls -- they are so funny and cute and rowdy. Nanaw is glad she gets to volunteer. Nanaw went to Chase's house while the cleaning lady was at Chase's house. She took a nap on the couch, and Sam took a nap on the couch with her -- that was great. When Chase and Nanaw got home from school, Chase did his usual ROBLOX thing for awhile, then played in his room with his little blue stones he calls hockey pucks, all the while watching the Weather Channel. Nanaw got to see Chase's new shelves Daddy bought for him. They're in the living room, and they're stacked high with Chase's many games.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Chase turned in his math homework, and Nanaw made a mental note tobuy him a new green folder or tape his old one. (On Wednesday evening, she taped the old one but will look at Walmart on Thursday for a new green one.) After school, Chase and Nanaw came straight home (unusual for them) because Nanaw already went to the cemetery after her dentist appointment. On the way home, Chase talked to Nanaw about the Super Bowl and football. Nanaw called Mama to tell her all the cute things her boy said. Chase and Nanaw played hockey for awhile, then Chase played abcya on the laptop. Then he played with the little blue stones he calls pucks and some of his Hot Wheel cars. Nanaw was very happy to see him doing something besides playing ROBLOX on the laptop. Nanaw heard the weather forecast for tomorrow. The temperature is going down to 19 degrees and the wind chill will be 0 degrees. So when Chase and Nanaw got to his house, she asked Mama if she could go to Gillan's and buy Chase an ICS sweater. Mama said yes, but that Nanaw should get a sweatshirt. Nanaw and Chase went to Gillan's and found two sweatshirts with ICS on them. They didn't have any ICS sweaters. Nanaw took a picture of Chase in one of the sweatshirts (it's the last one below). She's very happy that the boy will be warm.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Chase wore his new winter coat today, and Sidney Crosby the Cat decided he really liked it and kept snuggling into it. Nanaw took a picture and sent it to Mama so she could see what Sidney was up to. Chase turned in his homework, a day late, with Nanaw's apology that Chase's Mama and Nanaw forgot to send it with him. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she told him that they were going to Powder Valley. Chase said, "Actually, I'm sort of tired." Nanaw said that he could sleep on the way there, and Chase was fine with that. At Powder Valley, Chase and Nanaw visited everything (except the bees who were in their special winter home elsewhere). They did the newsletter scavenger hunt. Their other activities include: the snakes, the turtles, the large aquarium, two small aquariums, the tree house, the tarantula, the bug display, the library, and the puppets. Chase also colored several pictures, while Nanaw made a list of everything they visited. The Powder Valley was great fun for Chase and Nanaw -- they hadn't been there for awhile. It was a good place to visit on a cold, rainy winter afternoon.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday, January 21, 2019

Mama and Daddy had the day off from work on Monday, and Chase was off from school for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Chase had his annual doctor check-up in the morning; Nanaw had a dentist appointment at the same time so she couldn't go along. He weighed 56.2 pounds, which is the 71% percentile. He's 49 inches tall, which is the 65% percentile. Nanaw came to visit Chase in the afternoon. He was watching the Blues hockey game with Daddy and playing with his tablet. Mama and Daddy have a rule that he can't play with his tablet when Nanaw is there. That makes Nanaw feel bad because she knows how much he loves his tablet. But she also likes to play with Chase when she visits, so it all works out fine. Before dinner, Chase and Nanaw played in his room with his stuffed "amamals." They also looked up hockey things on Nanaw's phone -- Chase does really well with the phone. The doctor's recommendation for screen time is two hours a day, which includes tablet and television. Next, Chase and Nanaw colored at the kitchen table. Chase drew pictures, and Nanaw colored pictures in a Snoopy Christmas coloring book.