Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday, January 13, 2019

On Saturday night, Nanaw kept asking Chase if he was ready to go to be and he kept saying no. Then, at 10 p.m., he closed the lid of the laptop and said "okay." It was very funny. Then on Sunday morning, when the alarm on Nanaw's phone went off at 7:30 a.m. playing Shawn Mendes' In My Blood, Chase sat up in bed and said "okay." Once again, very funny. Nanaw made Chase eat a cheese stick and applesauce for breakfast before she gave him the mini donuts Mama sent for breakfast. Mama and Daddy came to pick up Chase and Sam about 10:30. Daddy finished the driveway and then put plastic bags on Chase's feet because the insides of his boots were wet from playing outside. In the evening, Nanaw went over to Chase's house for a pot roast dinner. Mama showed Nanaw the cake that Nichole made for her, shaped like a bottle of Jameson -- so Nanaw took a picture of it. After dinner, they had Family Game Night. They played Yeti Spaghetti and Yeti Set Go. Chase really likes Family Game Night and plans for it ahead of time. After the games, Chase and Nanaw played on his bed with the stuffed "amamals." They played pretend school and after the Pledge of Allegiance, Nanaw asked Chase if he wanted to sing, and he started to sing "Oh Canada." The boy is watching too much hockey if he's singing the Canadian national anthem.

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