Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Nanaw took Chase to school on Thursday and was happy to see the boys and girls. It was her day to volunteer and work with the two groups with their reading. Nanaw had such a good time with the boys and girls. The first group was rather rowdy, more so than the second group. The second group was happy to hear that they were behaving better than the first group. Nanaw is so glad that she gets to volunteer. Nanaw got to keep Chase in the evening because Mama and Daddy went to the hockey game with Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky. Chase had his spaghetti from Joe Boccardi's and ate almost all of it. Chase and Nanaw did his homework; he read Snoment in the Night, then drew pictures of the snowmen. The idea was cause and effect; the snowmen had a snowball fight, played snow baseball and then rolled down the hill. So in the morning they didn't look as good as they had the night before -- thus cause and effect. Chase got a G+ on his math homework that he brought home -- good for him. He played on the laptop a long time in the evening. He loves playing ROBLOX on the laptop.

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