Saturday, January 4, 2020

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Nanaw came over to Chase's house at nine Saturday morning. She was going to stay with Chase while Mama went to the grocery store. Nanaw was also going to watch a Christmas movie Mama had recorded for her: Christmas Unleashed. Daddy was working on the blue room floor with Uncle Chuck and Uncle Stan. While Nanaw watched the movie in the living room, Chase played with his Play Mobile hockey game, his game that looks like Connect Four and a ping pong game he got for Christmas. When Mama got home from Schnuck's, Nanaw left to go to the library to pick up a book and a movie she'd put on request from the library. She saw her friend Carol there, who told her about a new wonderful place to go visit with Chase: mymuzeum. Nanaw is very excited to check it out. Nanaw came back to Chase's house to go to his soccer game. It was just Mama, Chase and Nanaw going; Daddy was still working on the blue room floor. Chase did a good job at his soccer game and said he had fun. On the way home, Mama stopped at Pizza Hut to pick up pizza for lunch for Uncle Chuck and Uncle Stan. He also got breadsticks for Chase.

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