Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Chase had a busy day on Sunday. First, he had baseball practice at the indoor field at Powerhaus. Daddy said he did really well at practice. He came in second in a groundball catching contest. Then, in the afternoon, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to Helping Strays for Rescue Readers. Chase picked out a book from their bookshelf collection that was half dog book and half cat book. First he read to Chris and then to Brutis. The dogs were barking a lot so it was difficult to hear Chase read. But both Chris and Brutis seemed to like it when Chase showed them the pictures in the book. Next, they all went to the cat rooms. Chase tried to read to the cats but they didn’t seem very interested. So he read two pages to a black and white cat named Midnight (who looked like a miniature Charlie). Then Chase got some toys so he could play with the cats. His friend Evie from school was there with her grandmother; she said her sister Emma was sick. Chase spent a long time playing with the cats. He seems to like the cats better than the dogs. In the evening, Nanaw came over for a delicious dinner of bacon wraps. Nanaw also ate lots of the mixed nuts dipped in almond bark. After dinner, Mama and Nanaw bought magazines for Chase's magazine sale. Mama gave Chase a bath and put him in his pajamas. Then everybody but Sam went downstairs to watch the Grammys. Before the Grammys started, Chase had everybody playing shootout hockey. After the Grammys started, they played shootout hockey during commercials. Nanaw was crocheting and Tyler started playing with her yarn. So Mama suggested that Nanaw give Tyler a little ball of yarn; he had great fun playing with the yarn and Chase.

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