Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Nanaw was happy to see Chase on Wednesday morning. She thought that was the only time she'd see him. He had an orthodontist appointment in the afternoon; Mama was going to pick him up early from school. Mama called Nanaw about 4 o'clock and told her Chase wanted to come visit. Nanaw was happy and excited about that. Mama dropped Chase off, and then went to get Sylvester from the vet. He has a torn tendon in his rear left leg. So they have to keep him quiet while it heals. Chase had little blue rubber bands on his teeth that the orthodontist put in. While he was playing on the laptop, one of the little blue rubber bands came off. Nanaw texted Mama, and she called the orthodontist. It might be all right. They have to wait until his next appointment to see. Tonight was ICS Night at Joe's Pizza so Mama ordered food for dinner from there. Nanaw took Chase home, and he went with Mama to pick up the food. After dinner, Chase and Daddy were going to baseball practice. When he got home, Chase had to do his math homework. So it was quite the busy day for the little fellow.

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