Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Chase's friend Brady is still sick and isn't back in school yet -- maybe tomorrow. Mama said baseball practice last night was good except there wasn't anywhere to sit to watch the boys. Chase said he liked it. It was very cold and windy this morning, and Chase's school parking lot is the coldest and windiest. There's supposed to be snow and ice tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. Mama has the day off, and she and Nanaw are going shopping -- to Walmart, Party City and Hallmark. They were supposed to go to the brewery so Mama could buy a shirt that they had there but Mama is worried about the weather so they're probably not going to go to the brewery. Chase said he had a good day at school today but then he always says that -- which is a good thing. When Chase and Nanaw got home, Chase played with the Roblox figures on the kitchen counter with Nanaw. Then he went to play on the laptop.

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