Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

On Tuesday morning, when Chase was getting dressed, there was a moment of panic because Nanaw couldn't find his belt. She told Chase they would have to stop by his house on the way to school to get the belt. But she happened to look in the other pocket of the backpack and found the belt. Yay! Evidently, Mama had Daddy put it in the backpack, and he put it in the other pocket. Chase was very excited about turning in his magazine orders. He's hoping to get more key chains like he did in previous years. Mama is taking Sylvester to the vet this afternoon for his injured paw, and Daddy is going to walk Sam so Chase is going to stay with Nanaw until 6 p.m. He's excited to have an extra hour here. Nanaw wishes it was to spend time with her but really it's to spend time on the laptop. But Nanaw plans to find some things for them to play with, at least part of the time. Tomorrow Nanaw is only going to see Chase in the morning, not after school. He has an orthodontist appointment at three, then baseball practice at 6:30. On the way home from school, Chase said maybe he would get key chains for magazine sales and maybe he wouldn't. Nanaw said if he didn't, she would buy some for him. After school, Nanaw brushed the kitties while Chase played games on the laptop.

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