Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday, June 22, 2013

When Nanaw came to visit Chase on Saturday morning, Mama and Nanaw played a game of teaching Chase to give hugs by running across the room with his arms wide open – very cute. Nanaw took Chase outside in the back yard to play for a few minutes while Mama got everything ready to take Chase and Sam for an early morning walk. In the afternoon, after Nanaw went out to Aspenhof, Mama brought laundry and Chase over to Nanaw’s house to use the dryer. Mama said Chase seemed to have a great time running around Nanaw’s house and playing with the toys in his room. Following is a list of the words Chase can say and the things that he can do: Words: 9999, bah = milk, baw = ball, beh = up, buh buh = blueberries, bye, chee = cheese, Chee Chee = Cheerios, dugga-dugga, hiiiih = hi, MoMo = Elmo, quack quack, shoe, two, yay. Activities: blows kisses, blows raspberries, claps his hands, dances to music, does bladda bladda, does menacing teeth, does gimme 5, plays peekaboo, says no and shakes his head no, and waves bye bye.



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