Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Chase and Nanaw spent a quiet day at home. Chase played with his "car spaceship" again and with "Skitty Skyway," as he calls it. For awhile, he watched Wall-E and then Cars. Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play with the trains. Later in the day, Nanaw let Chase watch YouTube Kids on the iPad. Chase seems fascinated with a video of a little boy named Ryan who does reviews of toys while in the bathtub -- extremely weird but Chase absolutely loves it. On the way home, Chase told Nanaw what she thinks is his first joke -- it was awesome. Nanaw had been telling Chase that the next movie they were going to watch together was "UP" -- a movie about balloons being attached to a little house, which then floats way up in the sky. Chase said, "I've got an idea about a new movie. It's called Down. The balloons pop, and the house falls down." Nanaw was very excited about his joke and told Mama and Daddy all about it. They were all going to a Christmas party at the bowling alley for Daddy's bowling team.

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