Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Daddy had the day off today, and in the morning, he and Chase went shopping at South County Mall for Mama's Christmas present. Daddy dropped Chase off at Nanaw's about 11 and told Nanaw that Chase wasn't feeling too well and wasn't in a very good mood. Nanaw had planned on an adventure at Powder Valley but decided to wait until Wednesday. Chase and Nanaw played with the trains Nanaw set up on the coffee table, and then Chase ate lunch and watched Cars 2. At noon, Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree to buy another light saber for Chase -- he broke his other one. He also got another toy gun. Nanaw didn't want him to ever have guns, but his Mama and Daddy let him play with them so Nanaw surrendered. At 1:30, Chase asked Nanaw to put on his dipey and put him to bed. He fell asleep right away, a sure indicator that he still wasn't feeling well. When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama invited her to stay for a chicken fajita dinner so Nanaw did. Daddy was going bowling, and Mama invited Nanaw to go with Chase and her to drive around and look at Christmas lights. The lights were beautiful, especially the house up the street from where Chase lives, and they all had a wonderful time.

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