Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday was the day of Chase’s class field trip to the Butterfly House in Chesterfield. Mama and Nanaw had a group with Chase, Emmalynn, Bella and Ethan. It was a wonderful day, and the boys and girls had an excellent time. They rode the bus to Sister Thea Bowman elementary school in East St. Louis where they went to mass. Then they drove out to Chesterfield to Faust Park where the Butterfly House is located. First, they went into what’s called the Butterfly Conservatory to see all the butterflies flying free. It’s filled with plants and flowers and a pond, with butterflies everywhere, Then they went into a toy room to play. Next, was the butterfly class. Mama got to go into the class with the boys and girls. Nanaw stayed out in the lobby area with some of the moms. Next, the boys and girls went to the playground to play for awhile before lunch. After lunch, they went back to the playground and had a super excellent time playing. Nanaw took Chase home with her after school. Nanaw tried to get Chase to take a nap but he said, “I’m not made for naps.” What a nut he is. Mama had planned to go to the 5K event at the church but Daddy had a headache, and Chase said they shouldn’t go so they stayed home.

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