Thursday was Blues dress-down day at Chase's school, and Chase wore his blues jersey from little Will. Some of the boys and girls didn't have on Blues clothes but wore their blue shirts, and Nanaw told them that counted. Thursday was also the day Nanaw was supposed to volunteer in Chase's class. But just as Nanaw was leaving the house to go to the school, Mama called and said the school had called to tell her that Chase had thrown up. So Nanaw went to pick him up. He threw up in church, and he said a kindergarten girl threw up in church also. Nanaw took Chase home and put him back in his pajamas and washed his clothes. She asked him what happened, and he said, "It was cause and effect. The cause was that my belly hurt, and I coughed. The effect was I threw up." What a kid! Nanaw had Chase take a nap for awhile, with all his stuffed "amamals." He played the Roblox game Nanaw created (she created it sort of accidentally), and then other Roblox games. Chase and Nanaw went downstairs and played for awhile. Then they played in his room until it was time for Nanaw to take Chase home.
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