Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

On Wednesday, Mama took Sylvester to the vet for him to get his broken tooth pulled. Mama picked him up about 5 p.m. but he wasn’t completely out of the anaesthetic yet. Mama told Nanaw that she saw Fat Cat out in front of his house when she took Sylvester to the vet. So Nanaw drove by and took a picture of Fat Cat: It’s the first one below. On the way to pick Chase up from school, Nanaw stopped at the Columbia library to pick up a movie she’d put on request. She saw some pretty spring flowers outside and took a picture. It’s the last picture. She’s going to ask Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky what kind of flower the purple flowers are. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he had forgotten to bring his water bottle so they went back into the school to get the bottle. Chase looked around the classroom and said, “Many boys and girls forgot their water bottles.” He’s so funny. When Chase and Nanaw got home, they played Roblox on the laptop and the desktop. Then they went downstairs; Chase played and Nanaw walked on the treadmill. Chase told Nanaw that his class was having their spelling test tomorrow instead of Friday because of the field trip to the Butterfly house. Nanaw printed out the agenda for the field trip. Chase read it and said it was excellent.

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