Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Nanaw saw Taylor lying on the bed on her back with her paws curled up in front of her. It was such a cute pose that Nanaw took a picture. When Nanaw took Chase to school on Tuesday morning, she explained to Mrs. Neff that Chase brought his homework yesterday but it never made it to her. Nanaw turned in the homework and the spa paper. The first graders are going to have a Mother's Day spa on Friday for their moms. At first, Mama said she couldn't go because she had to work. So Chase told her he would be mad if she didn't go so Mama changed her mind. Her boss told Mama to take two hours of community service. Nanaw hopes they take pictures so she can see what went on. Chase says it's going to take place in the gym. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree looking for a world map for Mama but couldn't find one. Chase insisted on buying a US map for Mama. He also wanted Nanaw to buy a Mother's Day card with a dog on it for him to give to Mama. He wanted some green glass things like his blue glass things so Nanaw bought those also.

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