Saturday, May 18, 2019

Saturday, May18, 2019

Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning. When she got there, Mama was walking the dogs and Chase was in the living room with Daddy and Grandma Pat. Chase had on shark pajamas and looked really cute. He had his hockey goal horn app open on his tablet and was testing Daddy on the goal horns. It was very funny and very cute. Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play hockey. Chase decided that his "amamals" had to come down and play hockey also, So Chase and Nanaw made several trips up and down the steps carrying Chase’s stuffed "amamals." They played for awhile, and then Nanaw had to leave to go to the little house. She had planned to take the JB Bridge but traffic was backed up to Columbia so she took 255 to 40 – but accidentally got back on 255 and had to turn around. In the evening, Daddy went to cousin Kyle’s graduation. Mama and Chase had a date at the Edge in Belleville, a fun-o-rama thing. They played lots of games and rode bumper cars and ate dinner and had a wonderful time. Mama sent fun pictures to Nanaw.

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