Friday, May 21, 2021

Friday, May 21, 2021

On Friday morning, Mama sent Nanaw the first picture below of Chase ready for his last day of school. He was wearing his fish mask (Mama said it's his favorite and it's one of the masks Nanaw made for him.) Nanaw told Mama how she finally felt sad about the last day of school and would tell Chase that because of him saying yesterday that it was weird that Nanaw didn't feel sad about it. Mama said she took Chase to school today for his last day of school instead of Daddy. Chase kept changing his mind about who would take him to school and finally settled on Mama. After school, there was a huge celebration for the retiring principal of the school. They played the song Celebration, and he made a speech . The Columbia Fire Department was there. They brought the bucket truck and hung an American flag from the bucket. The students all blew bubbles. The principal gave all the kids Dum Dum suckers. Chase brought a lot of stuff home with him from his desk; he also brought home some of his books. On the way home, Chase and Nanaw went to the bank, the cemetery, the gas station and the library. When they got back home, Chase played the recorder for awhile and then played on the computer, tablet, and phone. Mama sent Nanaw a link she received to Ms. Kennedy's class playing their recorders -- so cute!


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