Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Nanaw went to Dobb's today and they kept her car to put in a ball joint, whatever that is. So Nanaw called Mama to come pick her up. Sweet Mama did just that! Mama loaned her car to Nanaw so that Nanaw could pick Chase up from school. Nanaw also picked up her taxes and a prescription from Walgreen's. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, they went straight to Nanaw's house instead of Chase's because he had a lot of homework to do. Chase missed Tee Tee but Nanaw got out the Mario stuffed animals and Love Hugs, and that helped a little. Chase had a math page to do, figuring areas and missing side measurements. He also had a science page about liters and milliliters. The last thing they did was for Chase to work on the state information page. He didn't get it done so they're going to work on it tomorrow. Nanaw took Chase home at 4:30 because he has a baseball game tonight. Nanaw decided not to go because it's too cold and windy. Chase was going to do his AR reading on the car ride to the game but Mama forgot to bring Kittens in the Kitchen. 

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