Monday, May 10, 2021

Monday, May 10, 2021

Mama had the day off from work, and she and Nanaw had a day of adventures together. When Mama got to Nanaw's house, they did some research on online ordination so she can perform Nichole's wedding ceremony. Then they tried to go to Mama's bank but an armored car was blocking the ATM. They went to the library then, which opened today for the first time in six months or so. It was wonderful. Next they went to Costco, and then to the mall -- Yankee Candle and Bath and Body -- very exciting. Next, they went to Hallmark in Columbia to get a nice card for Ms. Kennedy. Then they went to Taco Bell to get lunch (Crunch Wrap Supremes, of course(, which they ate at Nanaw's house. Mama discovered that Chase has four dress-down days this week and didn't have anything to wear for two of the days. So they went to Waterloo Walmart and bought Chase a tie dye tee shirt and a neon orange tee shirt. Next they picked Chase up from school (he got all his spelling words right) and then they went to Dollar Tree. Chase wanted a kazoo but Dollar Tree didn't have any. So he got another recorder, a package of little recorders, a harmonica, and a little guitar. Back at Nanaw's house, Chase did his AR reading and then he and Mama studied the state capitals for his social studies test on Thursday. Chase had some mostacciolli as a snack. Chase had baseball practice in the evening, and Mama had the Parents and Friends meeting. Nanaw had given them mostacciolli to have for dinner on Monday. 

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