Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Chase and Nanaw went for an early morning walk after breakfast. Then they went on their adventure for the day. First, they went to Waterloo Walmart so that Chase could ride on Dino. He seemed to have a great time doing that. But when Nanaw asked Chase if he wanted to ride on the train, he said "No!" very loudly and aggressively. So there was no riding on the train. Their next stop was Lakeview Park in Waterloo. Becky, Mama’s friend at work, gave Mama directions to give to Nanaw. The park playground was a little difficult to find because the park has three entrances off Lakeview Road, and the playground is up a long and winding road at the third entrance. But Nanaw and Chase finally found the playground. The minute Nanaw pulled into the parking lot, Chase shouted out "Playground!" and got very excited. There were a couple of other children at the playground, and Chase had a good time following them around and doing what they did. After his nap, Chase spent time coloring with the new crayons and colored pencils Nanaw bought for him at Walmart. After he finished coloring, Chase and Nanaw went to his room to play with his trains. ON the way home to Chase’s house, he kept saying "Train house" and he cried when Nanaw turned left to go to his house rather than right to go to the highway and the "Train house" – otherwise known as the Transportation Museum.


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