Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2013

Chase and Nanaw had three adventures today. The first adventure was a road trip out to Chesterfield to pick up some files from the president of the writing group that Nanaw belongs to. Chase was his totally charming self and received lots of compliments from the lady they visited. At her suggestion, Chase and Nanaw went to Faust Park, a new park for them to visit, about a mile from the lady’s house. Chase seemed to have a magnificent time in the great playground at the park – Nanaw had to run fast to try to keep up with his running around everywhere. They also went to the carousel that’s a famous part of the park. It only costs $2 a person to ride. Once again, Chase wouldn’t ride on one of the ponies but was perfectly happy riding in the cart. He saw am old-fashioned train in a display case and for him, that seemed to be the highlight of his trip to the park. After the park, they went to South County Mall to try out the riding vehicles Mama told them about. Chase rode on the fire truck and then tried out the sports car, but that scared him. The sports car rocked back and forth and had a video of speeding cars. He said, "Help, Nanoo, help," so Nanaw lifted him out. Sometimes he says Nanoo instead of Nanaw – very funny.

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