When Nanaw picked up Chase on Friday morning, Mama told him about their exciting plans for Friday evening. They were going to Wing Fest at St. Clair Square with Jackson and his mama and daddy. At Nanaw's house, when they were leaving for school, Chase told Nanaw to play cars with Tee Tee again, and Nanaw said she would. When Nanaw took Chase to school on Friday morning, he was very excited to see all the red and white striped booths. Nanaw told him it was for the church / school picnic on Monday, Labor Day. She told him that Daddy was going to be working at the beer booth, and that Mama was going to take Chase to the picnic and to see Daddy. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the big Dollar Tree and bought another basketball game so he has one for his house and one for Nanaw's house. He also bought two monster slingshots and a Hot Wheels car. Mama and Daddy came to pick up Chase at 5 o'clock to go to Wing Fest.
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