Monday, September 5, 2016

Monday, September 5, 2016

Despite the wretched heat on Monday, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw had a wonderful time at the Immaculate Conception picnic at Chase's school. Daddy worked in a booth selling tickets, and Chase was delighted to see his Daddy in the booth. Mama, Chase and Nanaw found Brady and his mama and daddy and sister Emma, and spent a lot of time with them. Emma wasn't feeling well and needed a nap so her daddy took her home. Chase and Brady went into the bounce houses together and had a grand time bouncing and jumping around in there. Mama got to spend a long time talking to Brady's mama Michelle. Chase played all kinds of children's games, like pick a lollipop, pick a duck, Monopoly, Connect 4, and shoot a gun. After Daddy was finished working at the ticket booth, Chase went back to the bounce house, and Brady joined him again. Mama bought Nanaw some chocolate Ted Drewes ice cream that was delicious. Mama bought popcorn for Chase, and he was very excited about that. Mama had planned to get chicken dinners but they sold out before she could buy tickets. Mama lost her Fitbit and she thought it might have happened at Walmart. Nanaw asked at the Walmart lost and found but no Fitbit. Then Mama sent Nanaw a picture of the Fitbit in Chase's laundry basket. Yay!!

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