Chase had a busy day on Sunday. Nanaw took a picture of him in his blue shirt that shows off his "beautiful blue eyes," as he calls them, and sent it to Mama. Then Nanaw and Chase went to church and Sunday school. Chase was very good and very charming in Sunday school. While Nanaw was getting the CD for the website, Chase played with the toys in the cry room. On the way home, Chase wanted to go to Walmart to get more Tsum Tsums, and when they passed by the Walmart exit and didn't go there, Chase said to Nanaw, "Okay, now you're in timeout!" Then he told Nanaw, "You have to follow the rules!" He's a funny bug. When they got home from church and Sunday school, Nanaw and Chase took Sam for a walk, then had lunch. Next, they went to the movie to see Nine Lives. Chase had a popcorn tray with lemonade and a candy treat. Chase laughed really hard at all the silly cat antics and seemed to have a good time. After the movie, Nanaw took Chase to Walmart to buy Tsum Tsums so she could get out of timeout. Chase was excited about Mama and Daddy coming home Sunday night from New Orleans. Nanaw included a photo of Mama and Daddy in New Orleans below. As a surprise for Chase, Daddy bought him a Lego Captain Marvel, which Chase is going to love.
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