Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Once again, Chase fell asleep on Nanaw's living room couch when Mama brought him to Nanaw's on Thursday morning. Nanaw had planned to take Chase to the 9:15 Creation Station but changed the plans to the 10:30 session. Before they went into the Creation Station, Chase and Nanaw rode on the train for the first time this year. Nanaw had been trying to get Chase to ride the train but he kept refusing. So on Thursday, she told Chase she was riding the train, and he could just wait inside for her. So he agreed to come, and he seemed to have a really good time. Maybe he's over his refusal to ride the train. At the Creation Station, Miss Linda was very happy to see Chase and Nanaw -- it had been several weeks since they were there. Nanaw made a craft, and she and Chase played in the kitchen and in the little playhouse. They also played with the mega blocks and with the magnetic toys. After the Creation Station, Chase and Nanaw walked up the hill to see the car displays and the train displays, something they hadn't done for a long while. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw went to the Telegraph Road library again, and Chase had a lot of fun playing with the toys and the little boys and girls. Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to the tunnel McDonald's for dinner; Chase got a Superman in his Happy Meal. He had a grand time playing with the two boys and one girl in the play area. They were older than him, and extremely rowdy and loud, and Chase was absolutely delighted with them.

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