Friday was picture day at Chase’s school, and he wore the light blue Polo shirt that Nanaw bought for him. Nanaw forgot to take a picture of him in the blue shirt. But Nanaw is going to wash it so he can wear it to Sunday School on Sunday, and she’ll take a picture of Chase in the shirt then. After school, Nanaw and Chase went to Nanaw’s house to pack up for going to the little house. Chase was very excited to go to the little house. On the way out there, he watched Cars 2 on his DVD player, then fell asleep. They had lots of rain at Nanaw’s house in Columbia and at the little house. Mama and Daddy called Chase from New Orleans on Friday night, but he wouldn’t talk to them – no matter what Nanaw did. Chase watched SpongeBob on Friday evening and really enjoyed it. Sam slept under the bed, and Chase and Nanaw slept on top. He had his SpngeBob pillow and Tee Tee and that made him happy.
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