Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday, January 20, 2017

Mama told Nanaw that Friday morning she told Chase they were going out to dinner that evening, and Chase said he didn't want to go, that he'd just stay at Nanaw's house. Mama told him that usually Nanaw went to dinner with them -- Chase didn't say anything about that. Nanaw had an oil change at Walmart and the oil change guy said it was weird to see Nanaw without the baby. Nanaw thought that was really cute and told the man that Chase was in school but that she would be bringing him for oil changes in the summer. When Chase and Nanaw got home from school, Chase wanted to play abcmouse so Nanaw made popcorn for him, and they both sat at their computers. Chase was playing with aquarium and his hamster trail -- very cute. At Merz on Main, Chase had a hot dog for dinner. Mr. Merz turned SpongeBob on the big TV for Chase to watch. Mr. Merz also taught Chase how to arm wrestle and offered to give him some baseball coaching when he is older.

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