Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Poor little Chase was sick on Tuesday with a stomach ache and diarrhea. Nanaw felt so bad for him and did her best to take care of him. Unfortunately, Chase and Nanaw had to cancel their plans to go to the Magic House and then later in the evening to the tunnel McDonald's. Later in the day, Chase felt better, and things calmed down. Chase spent a lot of time playing abcmouse -- he sang along with the songs and paid close attention to the stories being read. He also found a new activity: a piano that played various children's songs. Chase sang along, and it was very cute. Nanaw showed Chase that because the laptop has a touch screen, he could touch the keys on the piano and play notes. He really liked that. In the evening, he was very sad when he realized that they weren't going to the tunnel McDonald's because of his tummy. But Nanaw promised that they would go on Friday when Mama and Daddy are going to a happy hour. On Tuesday evening, Mama went to the hockey game with Auntie LaLa, Uncle Chris and little Will, and Daddy went bowling so Nanaw got to keep Chase until bedtime. When she got him ready for bed, she read his two library books to him: a Llama llama book and Polar Express.

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